Military families are the backbone of our country when it comes to service.
When it comes to serving our military families, Aveanna Healthcare is proud to provide the high-quality care our military families need. Aveanna’s comprehensive care includes:
- Private Duty Nursing for medically fragile children and adults
- Enteral nutrition supplies and other medical supply needs
- Pediatric therapy in select markets including Colorado, North Carolina, Virginia and Texas
Aveanna Healthcare is one of the nation’s leading providers of homecare. We work very closely with the ECHO Case Management team throughout the country and know how to meet the needs of TRICARE beneficiaries.
We stand ready to help military families thrive
We understand that military families are often in transition and require a special level of service and understanding. Aveanna helps families navigate their eligibility, benefits, and coverage options available under various programs including the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), Extended Care Health Option Program (ECHO), and benefits offered through other state government sponsored benefit programs like Medicaid and condition specific programs.
The Aveanna Difference
Choosing Aveanna is the right choice for more than 50,000 patients across the country. We have a national footprint and can support relocations (PCSs) to ensure that private duty nursing services continue without interruption or a lapse in care. Here are a few more reasons to choose Aveanna.

Aveanna Private Duty Nursing
Exemplary education and training
True matching of skill level to each patient
Careful consideration of caregiver compatibility with each family
State-of-the-art point-of-care technology
High patient-satisfaction scores
Extensive background checks
Aveanna Medical Solutions
Aveanna Healthcare Medical Solutions is a leading provider of adult and pediatric enteral and oral nutrition. But what truly makes us different? Take a look for yourself.
A large selection of nutritional formulas—more than 200— along with supplies and feeding pumps.
Registered Dietitians, Registered Nurses, and technicians who provide education on how to use a feeding pump and other supplies prior to discharge or in the comfort of home.
Registered Dietitians available to help when you have formula questions.
Telephonic nurses, pump technicians, and respiratory therapists available for on-call support.
Insurance specialists available to verify insurance eligibility and obtain authorizations.
Feeding supplies delivered to patients’ front door at no additional charge.
As a trusted leader in quality service and home medical supplies, Aveanna has a national footprint and is able to support the relocation of families when they receive their PCS orders.
Ready to get started with TRICARE?
Let’s make it simple with this step-by-step guide:
Step 1
Enroll in DEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) To start the process, you must be enrolled in DEERS to receive TRICARE benefits. If you need to update your information on DEERS, go to: You can also keep your enrollment materials up-to-date by visiting
Step 2
Enroll in Exceptional Family Member Program Next, you need to enroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). Enrollment in EFMP ensures that family members’ medical and educational needs are considered during the assignment coordination process. Through the EFMP Family Support office, families receive assistance in navigating military and community support systems. If you have EFMP eligibility questions, you can find answers to commonly asked questions here. You can find additional EFMP resources here. For local EFMP contacts and information, contact us at
Step 3
Enroll in Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) To be eligible for private duty nursing services, patients must enroll in the Extended Care Health Option program. ECHO provides financial assistance to individuals with special needs for an integrated set of services and supplies. To learn more about ECHO, visit the TRICARE website.
To enroll in ECHO, contact the TRICARE contractor in your region:
If you live in the Eastern Region
TRICARE East Region
Humana Military Healthcare Services
(800) 444-5445If you live in the Western Region
TRICARE West Region
TriWest Healthcare Aliance
(888) 874-9378 -
Step 4
Ask Questions and Schedule Services
If you have questions, contact our Military Services team at: