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San Antonio Clinic

98 Briggs Avenue, Suite 990 San Antonio, TX 78224
If this is a medical emergency, please call 911. If you wish to speak with a member of our team about a care issue, that IS NOT a life-threatening emergency, please contact our office.
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All times CST
  • MONDAY 8:00AM - 7:00PM
  • TUESDAY 8:00AM - 7:00PM
  • WEDNESDAY 8:00AM - 7:00PM
  • THURSDAY 8:00AM - 7:00PM
  • FRIDAY 8:00AM - 5:00PM
On-Call after hours and weekends

Join our caring team!

Aveanna’s Pediatric Therapy believes in a family-centered approach to care. Our highly skilled pediatric therapy team provides you a full range of care to help your child reach their highest potential. We offer our industry-leading pediatric therapy for kids of all ages in a clinic and home setting.

Aveanna utilizes a multidisciplinary team approach for treatment, retaining licensed, experienced providers who specialize in the areas of speech-language, occupational, and physical therapy. The benefits of all of these therapies only increase when they happen together in the same place. Occupational therapy can help with processing, cognitive issues, fine motor skills, and other needs. Physical therapy typically helps improve range of motion, and builds strength and endurance. Our speech-language pathologists can help your child with everything from communication issues from stuttering to swallowing problems.

Services offered at this location:

  • Pediatric Therapy - Occupational Therapy
  • Pediatric Therapy - Physical Therapy
  • Pediatric Therapy - Speech Language Pathology
  • Medical Solutions - Enteral
  • Medical Solutions - Medical Supplies
Aveanna Healthcare Medical Solutions provides statewide coverage for all your enteral nutrition and supply needs! Call (866) 883-1188 for more information or Visit Aveanna Medical Solutions (link will open in a new window).
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