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Orlando Home Health

1603 S. Hiawassee Road, Suite 130 Orlando, FL 32835
If this is a medical emergency, please call 911. If you wish to speak with a member of our team about a care issue, that IS NOT a life-threatening emergency, please contact our office.
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All times EST
  • MONDAY 8:30AM - 5:00PM
  • TUESDAY 8:30AM - 5:00PM
  • WEDNESDAY 8:30AM - 5:00PM
  • THURSDAY 8:30AM - 5:00PM
  • FRIDAY 8:30AM - 5:00PM
On-Call after hours and weekends

Join our caring team!

At Aveanna, our nationally leading homecare is dedicated to making lives better, one patient at a time. We offer care in 30 states and we are always led by our dedication to clinical excellence, our commitment to service, and our innovative care solutions. If you or your family needs home health services, we stand ready to help you today!

Home healthcare is a Medicare benefit that can send a team of care professionals to your home. This team may include a nurse, therapist, aide, or other care professional. These professionals work with your physician to deliver a personal plan of care to you in your home. Home healthcare can help you recover after a hospitalization or surgery or help you control the symptoms of a chronic illness such as diabetes, COPD, or heart failure. We can also help you manage your medications to ensure you are taking the right ones in the right amounts at the right time. The idea is to help you recover more fully, keep you in your home, and help you stay as independent as possible. We also work to educate you and those around you about your care. Simply put, this important benefit helps you live your life to the fullest with care that’s delivered right in the comfort of home.

Services offered at this location:

  • Home Health
Florida License: HHA Lic#299992117
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