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Just $3.49 to Access Your Pay Today!

Sign up to get started for free!*

or text "START" to 66867
*DailyPay is available to all hourly PDN skilled and unskilled caregivers who provide in-home patient care services.
Visit to get started today!

What is DailyPay?

DailyPay is an optional benefit that allows you to get your pay any time before payday and easily track how much you’re making.

Why should I sign up for DailyPay?

DailyPay is an upgrade to your current pay experience. DailyPay allows you to access some of your pay faster than you’d otherwise be able to. DailyPay gives you the tools and resources to help you meet your financial goals.

How can I reach DailyPay?

If you need help, please contact DailyPay customer service via phone, email, or chat. Their hours of operation are 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

What is ?

How Does Work?

How to enroll into ?

How to make the most of the app

Employee Training



What Happens After I Make A Transfer?

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • DailyPay is a benefit that allows our PDN Caregivers to receive part of their patient care earnings earlier than payday.
  • No. DailyPay is a valuable benefit that provides PDN Caregivers with early access to some of their paycheck earnings. The amount of money you can access before payday depends on your scheduled and confirmed patient shifts. You will have already earned this money; it just hasn’t been paid to you yet.
  • DailyPay is currently available to you if you are a weekly paid caregiver that reports time in GLS, our EMR system for Private Duty Nursing. If you are not a weekly paid caregiver using GLS, you cannot enroll in DailyPay at this time. We will continue to explore opportunities to expand this offering to others in the future.

  • You can access a portion of your gross earnings to be paid to you in advance of your regular pay day based on your recent scheduled and confirmed GLS patient shifts worked. The specific “available allowance” is at the discretion of DailyPay, and is typically about 50% of estimated gross earnings from confirmed shifts however situations such as garnishments and other variations with pay history and withholdings can impact that available value balance as well.

  • Patient care shifts are the hours that you’ve been scheduled and confirmed to work within GLS from Sunday of the last open payroll period through the preceding day.

    For example, on December 15, 2021, your “available pay balance” (in other words, the amount which you are eligible to request as a pay advance) would be a percentage of your estimated gross earnings for GLS patient shifts from Sunday, December 5 (the beginning of the pay period) to December 14, 2021 (the day before you requested an advance).

  • Keep in mind that your Friday Payroll Deposit will be equal to your Workday Net Pay (as shown on your weekly pay stub) minus any DailyPay advanced pay deposits that were processed since the previous Friday. Net pay is your gross pay reduced by taxes and other deductions.

    For example, if you requested a payroll advance on December 13 for $200 and your net pay (after taxes and deductions) in Workday for the pay period of December 5 – December 11 was $500, you will receive $300 on Friday, December 17. You would have already received your $200 deposit on December 13 or December 14, depending on whether you requested same-day or next-day advanced pay.

  • Your DailyPay Balance is updated daily as soon as your most recent patient care shifts are sent to DailyPay.

  • DailyPay offers two types of transfers: Instant and Next Day.

    • Instant = Money is available instantly, 24/7, including nights, weekends, and bank holidays.
    • Next Business Day = Transfers requested prior to 11:00 p.m. EST are available in the morning on the next business day. Business days are defined as Monday through Friday, excluding bank holidays.

    Note: To make an Instant transfer, you will need to enter your debit card or paycard number through the DailyPay website or app. This is needed because DailyPay Instant transfers are sent through a different type of mechanism than regular (ACH) transfers sent to routing and account numbers.


    1. From the home screen, click the three bars at the top left.
    2. Click [Settings] > [Debit Cards] > [Add Debit Card].
    3. Add your information and click [Submit].
  • You can make up to five transfer per day.

  • You can transfer up to $1,000 in a single day. The minimum transfer amount is $5.

  • Similar to an ATM, you only pay a fee when you make a transfer. Fees are as follows:

    • Instant Transfer (available instantly, as needed): $3.49
    • Next Business Day (Available next business day, as needed): $0
  • Sign up using one of these three methods:

    • Download the DailyPay App on the App Store or Google Play.
    • Sign up at the DailyPay site:
    • Text “START” to 66867.

    You can expect a welcome email from our partner, DailyPay, when you earn your pay. You can enroll from there as well.

  • The email may have gone into your “Spam” or “Trash” folders, depending on your email service provider and email preferences. Check both folders, and if possible, search for the word “DailyPay.”

    For Gmail users: you can also search in your “All Mail” folder.

    If you still can’t find the email, please contact DailyPay customer service via phone, email, or chat. Their hours of operation are 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

  • Yes, you need a valid email address to use DailyPay. Check Workday (your HR System) to make sure your email address is correct. Reach out to your employer if you need help updating your email address within your systems.

  • Depending on your bank, you might receive a notification about DailyPay after you request your first transfer and/or when you change your direct deposit information. This is called a “prenote” and is not a charge – it’s simply a way for us and DailyPay to verify that your account number is correct. You can disregard this notification.

  • DailyPay is a mobile-enabled website, meaning that you can access it from any computer or smart phone. Just go to

    iPhone and Android users can add a DailyPay icon to their home screen. To do this, bookmark the Daily Pay website in your browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome, or similar). When you click the icon, you’ll be taken directly to their site, the same way an app works.

  • You can update your direct deposit information at any time by going to the Settings” page. Next, select “Bank Accounts” then “Add New Bank Account.” Please delete any bank accounts that you no longer have access to.

    To add a new debit card, go into “Settings” and select “Debit Cards.” Then select “Add New Debit Card.” Please delete any debit cards you no longer have access to.

    If you need help, contact DailyPay customer service at (855) 860-3451 24/7 or chat with an agent through the “Help” section of our app.

    Important note Be sure to update your direct deposit information in DailyPay, not in Aveanna - the changes will only take effect if it is updated in DailyPay.

  • Yes, you may make up to five transfers per day.

  • If you need help, please contact DailyPay customer service via phone, email, or chat. Their hours of operation are 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

  • By following the steps below, you may cancel your account. If you have made an earnings transfer ahead of payday, you may request DailyPay account closure at any time, but we’ll receive one final paycheck from your employer to cover the transfers that we sent you early, passing along any remaining pay to your bank account on file.

    Once we receive this final paycheck and the account balance is covered, your account will be fully canceled out. This process can take up to a couple pay periods to ensure full account closure. Your account number on file will be automatically sent back to your employer as the deposit account on record. You do not need to update your HR system.

    App and Website:

    1. Click the three bars at the top left corner of the home screen.
    2. Click [Settings] > [Account Cancellation]
    3. Review information, if you would like to continue with canceling your account, click [Cancel My Account]
    4. Review information, check the cancellation reason and click [Cancel My Account]
  • When an employee goes on leave, the DailyPay account is marked as inactive 24 hours after an employee drops off the User Roster. The employee is reactivated as soon as they reappear in the User Roster.

  • Employees who leave Aveanna will receive their final paycheck via DailyPay.

    Aveanna will no longer include the employee within the Daily User Roster update file, which means the employee will no longer be able to use the benefit.

  • You can see where your direct deposit was sent in the Statements tab within the app. You should see your net pay in the direct deposit account you provided to DailyPay by 12:00 Noon on payday Fridays.

    If you do not see your deposit, please contact DailyPay for further assistance.

  • No. DailyPay is for employees who are paid via direct deposit, either to a checking or savings account, or a prepaid card. You can register for direct deposit in Workday by following the instructions at this link.

  • Yes, once PDN is fully rolled out, all PDN scheduled and confirmed shifts passed from GLS to DailyPay are eligible for DailyPay payroll advancements.

  • When you enroll in or cancel DailyPay, your Direct Deposit information gets updated in Workday and Daily Pay sends an update confirmation.

    If you did not enroll or withdraw from Daily Pay, contact Daily Pay Support immediately at (855) 860-3451.

  • No, you must have an Aveanna Daily Pay account so that it works with our systems and schedules.